People working together to develop community
mental health support

People working together to develop community
mental health support

27 June 2022

A new co-producing service to make things better for others locally is being launched at MindSpace next month. If you have experience of accessing mental health support and are registered with Lakeside Healthcare you are being welcomed to get involved. An introductory session will be held on Monday July 11.

A call has gone out for people to take part in a new co-producing service in a bid to improve mental health services in Lincolnshire, By being part of this venture, you will be helping to make a difference to others.

The project is being co-ordinated by Donna Pinkney, Community Connector at MindSpace Stamford. She says: “We want people from Stamford, Bourne and surrounding villages who are patients registered with Lakeside Healthcare and have experience of accessing mental health support to join us to make a difference. We are also keen to work with unpaid family carers who have experienced supporting someone accessing local mental health support.”

Donna explains that the purpose is to work with services in Lincolnshire to shape them for the better: “Co-production brings people with experience of using services together with those who deliver them, to work together to design new things and make things better for everyone,” she says. “You will be co-producing with a range of people from services across health and social care, including community services. No previous experience of co-production is necessary, and participants will be supported throughout.”

Community Mental Health Support aims to improve the quality of life for people and their families who are struggling with their mental health and wellbeing. Donna says: “Mental health support can include visiting your GP, receiving support from a Social Prescriber or Peer Worker to accessing community activities to improve your mental health and wellbeing, or having experience of accessing specialist support for your mental health.”

Participants will be supported to confidently take part in activities which may include sharing your personal experience of services with others, working with peers and staff to design services, and making recommendations for improvements. Travel expenses will be met, and refreshments provided, when appropriate.

An introductory session will be held on the morning of Monday July 11 our premises on Broad Street, Stamford, from 10am to 12pm. If you would like further details get in touch with Donna Pinkney, Community Connector MindSpace, on 07513 702602 or email

More information about other co-production work can be found at Personalisation Services – Every-One.