MindSpace launches the Wellbeing in Business Conversation
MindSpace launches the Wellbeing in Business Conversation
With the aim of helping people who live or work in Stamford to flourish, improving the mental health and wellbeing of the whole town, MindSpace Stamford has launched the Wellbeing in Business Conversation.
The charity teamed with Nuala Forsey, an executive coach, founder and managing consultant of Being the Change and Emma Ellis a coach and wellbeing strategist from Redwood Ellis, Ketton, to hold an inaugural business meeting at Alltech, Stamford recently.
Dr Dan Petrie, MindSpace founder, says “As a charity we’ve encouraged conversations around mental health in homes and schools and would now like to work with local businesses to develop a range of activities based on the NHS 5 ways to wellbeing and incorporating best practice around developing emotional intelligence and enhanced communication skills. This is very much about taking a proactive approach to positive mental health and wellbeing”
The 5 ways to wellbeing initiative was initially launched in local schools in 2019 by Carol Hines, former Headteacher of The Bluecoat School in Stamford. Carol is now a mental health trainer and advocate for MindSpace and will be supporting the re-launch of the project within Stamford businesses.
Nuala says: “We want to work with organisations to help embed the skills and knowledge that enable people to improve the quality of their conversations which in turn helps build confidence, resilience and stronger relationships throughout life.”
If you are a business in the Stamford area, however big or small, and are wondering how to discuss wellbeing in your business, contact MindSpace at info@mindspacestamford.com and join the conversation with them.
Pictured: Dr Dan Petrie (far left) with Nuala Forsey (third left), Emma Ellis (fifth left) and representatives of local companies at Altech, Stamford.