MindSpace and Cornish Bakery unite to launch evening wellbeing café for workers

MindSpace and Cornish Bakery unite to launch evening wellbeing café for workers
High Street chain Cornish Bakery is collaborating with local wellbeing charity MindSpace to host an evening wellbeing drop-in session for people to unwind and de-stress after the busy working day.
From Thursday 7 September, local employed people will be able to access this service specifically for them at the High Street based café. The session aims to provide a social space for those who work from home to connect with others, for those who need a stop off between work and home, and for working people who need to offload or talk through stresses and wellbeing challenges, MindSpace volunteer listeners will be on hand.
Sean Milton, manager of Stamford’s Cornish Bakery, says:
‘At Cornish Bakery, we have a strong ethos of looking after our workers’ wellbeing and we are always looking for ways we can help to support mental health initiatives. For us, this is a way to extend our ethos out to the community of Stamford and surrounding areas, and to give back to the community that has so warmly welcomed us. In working together with MindSpace we have come up with this plan to help people in our area who may be experiencing work-related stress with possibly no-one to talk to.’
‘We are thrilled to be able to work with the high-profile Cornish Bakery to fill this need for a place for professionals and local workers to offload after a busy day, and to socialise and connect with others who may have had similar experiences,’ says Pip Tiffin, People & Operations Lead at MindSpace.
Pip continues: ‘We recognise that it has become the norm for people to work from home now, and whereas in many ways lives have become more simple, it has meant that people have much less actual social contact than they had been used to prior to Covid. Whereas previously people might have been able to talk to co-workers about their work stressors or their worries, it can be difficult to form these essential connections from a home office. We hope that this ‘After Work Connect’ session staffed by trained MindSpace volunteers will help to give that valuable connection to those that need it.’
‘After Work Connect’ will take place every Thursday evening from 5.30 – 7pm at Cornish Bakery, High Street Stamford. It is free to attend and refreshments are provided courtesy of Cornish Bakery.
For further information, please visit www.mindspacestamford.com/join-in/ or call 07563 385273.
Pictured: Sean Milton of Cornish Bakery and Pip Tiffin of MindSpace Stamford