Message from Beka, our Chair of Trustees

Message from Beka, our Chair of Trustees

6 January 2022

I would like to wish all of our members and our volunteers a very happy new year- I have high hopes for 2022 and look forward to sharing the year ahead with all of you.

As you may remember, we had to make the hard decision to close our doors early in December because of rising Covid cases.

Whilst the pressure of not causing people to be come ill or to isolate over Xmas has passed, Covid is very much still a risk with a high number of cases of the Omicron variant being reported. 

At MindSpace our priority is your physical and mental well-being. Please help us to keep you safe by:

⭐ Wearing face masks at all times at the premises – except if eating or drinking

⭐ Wrapping up warm- we need to keep doors open for ventilation, please be understanding

⭐ Do not attend any sessions if you have symptoms of Covid or a positive lateral flow test

⭐ Getting boosted! Government messaging is very clear that the best form of defence to you and others against Covid is getting vaccinated. The booster is now available to all adults – if you are eligible and able please think about taking up the offer

⭐ Be kind and considerate to others at all times

We will keep you updated on any changes we need to make to how we do things if and when needed.

We hope you enjoy being back all together and we can’t wait to welcome you! 

Beka Avery, Chair of Trustees