Adapting to change

Adapting to change

15 May 2020

We are now almost eight weeks into lockdown and are all having to adapt to our new normality. For everyone, some days will be easier than others. It is important that no one thinks that they are alone in feeling this way. We always say at MindSpace that “we all have mental health” and now, possibly more than ever, we are very aware of this. These are challenging times, but we can still be supportive of each other. 

We are certainly missing our Broad Street premises! We have always enjoyed being able to be with others in our activities as part of the shared human experience that is so important. It has been accepted that it may still be some time off before we can all do this again. We are delighted that, with additional support from the Reaching Communities Lottery Fund, we are now able to expand and diversify our online offer. It isn’t the same of course, but over these last couple of weeks there has been a noticeable growing sense of us being more at ease with ‘on-screen’ conversations. 

With the 5 ways to wellbeing guiding our choices, we are now offering yoga and bodyweight classes, art classes, workshops on nutrition and mindful living, and a quiz night for 18-25-year-olds. These activities have already been accessed by many of our members, but we welcome all newcomers too, and anyone who may wish to participate. As already said, we all have mental health! Come and join us! 

In fact, whilst our doors have been shut, we have been very busy behind the scenes. In addition to sourcing support for the new online offer, we are already preparing for an enhanced outdoor physical activity offer when we can meet outside again, but quite likely with some form of social distancing still in place. Hopefully, we can make more use too of our Community Garden and really develop that as a community asset.  

Our Volunteer Co-ordinator, Pip, is seeing how we can adapt our volunteer induction process online and we are planning to run one pilot session with some volunteers who were raring to go just before lockdown was introduced. If you are interested in joining us as a volunteer, please contact us at Some of our regular volunteers are also taking advantage of this period by accessing the enrichment offer suggested by Pip and engaging in online development courses. 

Helen Howe, Chair of Trustees

This was one of a series of MindSpace articles published in The Stamford Mercury during the Coronavirus lockdown.