Dan sets a £5,000 target for Santa Fun Run

Dan sets a £5,000 target for Santa Fun Run
GP Dr Dan Petrie, founder of MindSpace Stamford, is welcoming donations for his family’s sponsorship appeal ahead of the town’s Santa Fun Run.
The personal fundraiser was launched last month (October) with a target of £5,000 to help increase the hours that MindSpace can open its doors and it quickly picked up numerous generous donations. In his moving personal appeal, MindSpace Vice Chair, Dr Dan has written about his wife’s struggles with mental health…
How the funds will be used
Next year Dan’s wish is to be able to open the MindSpace premises every day for most of the day – and especially the evenings when people are struggling more. Dan says: “As a small, new charity that is a big ask. We have volunteers and we always need more, but charities have core costs that have to be covered and I hope to raise the funds for those so the charity can get on and continue to support our community for all our neighbours, colleagues, friends and family to thrive through its activities.”
To learn more, please click here to view the fundraising page.
If you would like to raise money for MindSpace in the Santa Fun Run, please use Go Fund Me to set up your own fundraising page which can be very easily linked to MindSpace, so that all monies raised come direct to the charity. Don’t forget to sign up for the Santa Fun Run too at www.stamfordsantafunrun.com and you can join the MindSpace team if you wish!