Business workshops

The mental health and wellbeing of employees are key to business success but it can be difficult for business leaders to know how to approach these issues and ensure that they are implementing best practice. Our MindSpace for Business team has developed a series of workshops designed to help businesses to develop the skills and knowledge that enable better quality conversations and improve communication within the workplace as well as in the home and the wider community.

We are at a crossroads for health and wellbeing. Do we slip back into a culture where overworking is considered glamorous and being tired and stressed is a badge of honour? Since the start of the pandemic, figures suggest working weeks have got longer for many people. Or in the wake of the pandemic, do we find a genuinely new form of healthy balance? In the current battle for the right talent to drive growth, the best employers will not only be clear about how important employee wellbeing is but also the actions required to deliver it.

Our workshops are flexible and, for an agreed fee, can be adapted to address the specific needs of individuals and organisations. The workshops are chargeable with all funds raised contributing to our long-term viability as a local charity and the provision of activities to support mental health and wellbeing for individuals in the Stamford area.

Scroll through our workshops below for more information, fill in our form to register your interest or contact the team for more information.


Developing a wellbeing strategy for your business (2-3 hrs)

A wellbeing strategy for employers is now a necessity. Recognising the importance of wellbeing and actively building platforms so a workforce can build resilience in a world of hybrid working is a challenge businesses face post-pandemic. Learn from best practice here.

In this session we will look at how to write and implement a wellbeing strategy. We will look at how to assess what are you currently doing, the importance of 1:1’s, how to write a pulse survey and how to form a wellbeing team and write your strategy.


Book 12th April workshop
Challenging conversations (2-3 hrs)

Human’s ability to communicate impacts virtually everything they do and what they do and don’t achieve.  And this applies to all aspects of life – home and work.  In addition, building strong relationships with other people can greatly reduce stress and anxiety and indeed improving social support is linked to better mental health in general.

Being able to communicate assertively and work through conversations or situations that could be challenging helps you take care of your own needs whilst being respectful of the needs of others.

In or out of work, communication is key to developing, and keeping relationships and to generally building a strong social network.

In ‘Challenging Conversations’, we explore the benefits of facing into conversations that are important to us and how by developing our assertiveness we can express ourselves more effectively and stand up for our own point of view.  And how being assertive can help control stress and anger and improve coping skills.

We practise using a simple but highly effective model to frame those difficult conversations and improve the chances of a positive outcome.

What conversation have you been avoiding?  What if what you want is on the other side of that conversation?


Book 12th April workshop
So you want to be a better listener? (2-3 hrs)

Everyone can improve their listening skills. Good listening helps build relationships and makes a difference in everyday life. This is so important because it contributes to our own wellbeing by improving our ability to connect with others. Come along and fine tune those skills!

In this workshop, we shall explore the fundamentals of listening; reflect on the range of listening styles and identify yours; discuss the differences between helpful and unhelpful listening and between being empathetic or sympathetic. We often need to sharpen our focus on what we are doing and be fully present in the moment. Listening with no agendas takes practice!

Building resilience (2-3 hrs)

Building resilience and the five ways to wellbeing into an emotionally healthy lifestyle

Everyone faces challenges in life. How big or difficult these challenges will be is different for each of us, but we all know what it is like to feel drained and overwhelmed at times.

The ‘five ways to wellbeing’ which are noted below have been identified through extensive reviews of research and expert opinion as simple actions that anyone can take that will have a positive impact on their day-to-day wellbeing.

  • Connect
  • Be Active
  • Take Notice
  • Keep Learning Every Day
  • Give

There is nothing new or surprising in these messages other than knowing that there is substantial evidence to support their value in living well and that small changes can make a big difference.

This workshop will guide you through the ‘five ways to wellbeing’ and invite you to consider what they might mean for you and what action and changes you may like to make in your own life based on the five ways to wellbeing principles.

We will explore ways to build on our strengths and to increase our resilience to meet the usual life challenges we all encounter from time to time. Join us in this workshop and explore with us how the five ways to wellbeing is about going much further than coping and surviving and realising that there is strong evidence that this range of simple actions are strongly linked to people feeling happier and more satisfied with their lives.

Managing for trust and engagement (2-3 hrs)

If you don’t have trust, it’s much more difficult to communicate and coordinate effectively with peers and colleagues. And without trust it’s hard to have employees fully engaged. When they are engaged, employees are more likely to go the extra mile – engagement is almost the polar opposite of ‘burn out’ in that engaged staff have a sense of energetic connection to their work activities and see themselves as able to deal well with the demands of the job.

Unfortunately, most people haven’t been taught how to build trust but thankfully, there are effective ways to build trust in the workplace.

We will look at some of the ways that can be done and how this work contributes to the overall emotional intelligence and well-being of employees and managers alike.
